Call out for Expressions of Interest for art and artists intersecting science

Datganiadau o Ddiddordeb ar gyfer celf ac artistiaid sydd â ddiddordeb mewn croestorri’r gwyddorau. Rhwng 17 a 18 Rhagfyr 2018, bydd Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnal cynhadledd flynyddol rhwydwaith ‘Gwyddoniaeth Gyhoeddus’ (Science in Public) y DU. Thema cynhadledd eleni yw Croestorri’r Gwyddorau ac mae’n gwahodd academyddion, ymarferwyr, ac arbenigwyr ymgysylltu cyhoeddus a chyfathrebu gwyddoniaeth. Drwy ymgysylltu…

Past exhibition – Pleased to meet you

03/08/18 – 01/09/18 Arcade Cardiff and gallery RDV join forces in 2018 to create a residency and exhibition across the two spaces. This partnership was born under the impulse of Pascal-Michel Dubois, Board member of Arcade, wanting to create an artistic partnership with the city of Nantes, twinned with Cardiff, and more particularly with the…

Past exhibition – A Scene Within a Scene

03/08/18 – 01/09/18 ‘This is a scene within a scene. Sure, I could call it the Cardiff music scene but this is just a small section of it. This is something a little deeper. A collection of friends bound together by a mutual respect for one another. Some make their music together, some even live…